.. _`smicli configuration file`: smicli Configuration File ========================= Because the `smicli` operate off of number of parameters, much of the configuration uses a configuration file to define core parameters. The default name for the configuration file is `smicli.ini` and it is normally executed from the directory where smicli (or the other utilities) are executed. `smicli` looks for the file in the directory from which it is run. Entries in the configuration file can also be included on the command line. However, in general the config file makes the use of `smicli` This file includes information about: * The database. Identifies the database type, and other configuration information so that the database can be opened * output report formats - Default output format for reports * Logging parameters - Defines the level for logging. * other specialcharacteristics of each of the utilities. The configuration file is in the standard `ini` format with sections and name/value defintions within each section Configuration File Sections --------------------------- The configuration file includes the following sections: * General - Those parameters that are considered general to the startup of the utilities * mysql - Parameters used for the startup of a mysql database * csv - Parameters for the startup of a csv database * log - Parameters that define logging. Note that some the parameters in the configuration file may be overwritten by corresponding command line inputs. Configuration file example -------------------------- The following is an example of an smicli configuration file :: # -- FILE: smicli.ini # general parameters [general] dbtype = mysql # connection parameters for a mysql database [mysql] host = localhost database = SMIStatus user = ******* password = ****** # parameters for a csv database [csv] filename = targetdata_example.csv # parameters for an sqllite database [sqllite] TODO [log] # define the level of logging loglevel = debug