.. _`Introduction`: Introduction ============ .. _`Functionality`: Functionality ------------- This python package provides the functionality to maintain information on the status of a number of servers in a WBEM Server environment and to explore the details of the WBEM Servers in that environment. It includes several command line tools and a database of the WBEM Servers in the environment. .. _`Supported environments`: Supported environments ------------ Currently smipyping is supported on Python 2.7 environments and tested on Linux operating systems .. _`Installation`: Installation ------------ The following examples show different ways to install smipyping. They all ensure that prerequisite Python packages are installed as needed: 1. Install a particular branch from the Git repository:: $ pip install git+https://github.com/smipyping/smipyping.git@ These examples install smipyping and its prerequisite Python packages into the currently active Python environment. By default, the system Python environment is active. This is probably the right choice if you just want to use the scripts that come with smipyping. In that case, you need to prepend the installation commands shown above (i.e. `pip` and `python setup.py`) with `sudo`, and your Linux userid needs to be authorized accordingly. In a test user enviroment installation into a `virtual Python environment`_ is recommended). .. _virtual Python environment: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/ The command syntax above is shown for Linux, but works in similar ways on Windows and OS-X. In case of trouble with the installation, see the :ref:`Troubleshooting` section. You can verify that smipyping and its dependent packages are installed correctly by importing the package into Python:: $ python -c "import smipyping; print('ok')" ok .. _`Prerequisite operating system packages`: