.. _`smicli Help Command Details`: smicli Help Command Details =========================== This section defines the help output for each smicli command group and subcommand. The following defines the help output for the `smicli --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command line script for smicli. This script executes a number of subcommands to: * Explore one or more smi servers for basic WBEM information and additional information specific to SMI. * Manage a database that defines smi servers, users, company names and history. It supports two forms of the data base, sql database and csv file. * Sweep ranges of ip addresses and ports to find wbem servers. Options: -c, --config_file TEXT Configuration file to use for config information. -d, --db_type [csv|mysql|sqlite] Database type. May be defined on cmd line, config file, or through default. Default is mysql. -l, --log COMP=LEVEL,... Set a component to a log level (COMP: [all|c li|pywbem|pywbemapi|pywbemhttp|api|groups], LEVEL: [critical|error|warning|info|debug], Default: all=error). --log-dest [file|stderr|none] Log destination for this command (Default: file). -o, --output-format [table|plain|simple|grid|psql|rst|mediawiki|html] Output format (Default: simple). smicli may override the format choice depending on the operation since not all formats apply to all output data types. -v, --verbose Display extra information about the processing. --version Show the version of this command and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: cimping Command group to do cimping. companies Command group for Companies table. explorer Command group to explore providers. help Show help message for interactive mode. history Command group manages history(pings) table. notifications Command group for notifications table. programs Command group to handle programs table. provider Command group for provider operations. repl Enter interactive (REPL) mode (default). sweep Command group to sweep for servers. targets Command group for managing targets data. users Command group to handle users table. .. _`smicli cimping --help`: smicli cimping --help --------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli cimping --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli cimping [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group to do cimping. A cimping executes a system level ping (optional) and then tries to create a connection to the target WBEM serve and execute a simple WBEM operation. This generally tests both the existence of the WBEM server with the ping and the a ability to make a WBEM connection and get valid results from the WBEM server. The operation executed is EnumerateClasses on one of the known namespaces This allows target WBEM servers to be defined in a number of ways including: - Complete target identification (url, etc.) (host) - Target Id in the database. - All targets in the database. Simple ping is defined as opening a connection to a wbem server and executing a single command on that server, normally a getClass with a well known CIMClass. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: all CIMPing all enabled targets in database. host cimping wbem server defined by hostname. id Cimping one target from database. ids Cim ping a list of targets from database. .. _`smicli cimping all --help`: smicli cimping all --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli cimping all --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli cimping all [COMMAND-OPTIONS] CIMPing all enabled targets in database. Executes the ping on all enabledtargets in the targets table of the database. Creates a table of results and optionally logs status of each target in the Pings table (--saveresult option). This subcommand also compares the results with previous results in the pings table and marks any targets that have changed with an asterik ("*") as a flag. ex. smicli cimping all Options: -s, --saveresult Save the result of each cimping test of a wbem server to the database Pings table for future analysis. Saving the results creates an audit log record. (Default: False). -d, --disabled If set include disabled targets in the cimping scan. (Default: False). -t, --timeout INTEGER Timeout in sec for the pywbem operations to test the server. (Default: 10). --no-ping If set this option disables network level ping of the wbem server before executing the cim request. Since executing the ping does not cause significant time delay and helps define servers that are not respondingat all, normally it should not be set. The ping uses available ping program to execute the ping. -d, --debug If set this options sets the debug parameter for the pywbem call. Displays detailed information on the call and response. --no-thread If set run test single-threaded if no-thread set. This option exists to aid debugging if issues occur with multithreading or the servers responses in general. If not set, the requests to each server are issued in parallel using multi-threading. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli cimping host --help`: smicli cimping host --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli cimping host --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli cimping host [COMMAND-OPTIONS] HOST NAME cimping wbem server defined by hostname. Host name or url of the WBEM server in this format: [{scheme}://]{host}[:{port}] - scheme: Defines the protocol to use; - "https" for HTTPs protocol - "http" for HTTP protocol. Default: "https". - host: Defines host name as follows: - short or fully qualified DNS hostname, - literal IPV4 address(dotted) - literal IPV6 address (RFC 3986) with zone identifier extensions(RFC 6874) supporting "-" or %%25 for the delimiter. - port: Defines the WBEM server port to be used Defaults: - HTTP - 5988 - HTTPS - 5989 Options: -n, --namespace TEXT Namespace for the operation. (Default: root/cimv2). -u, --user TEXT Optional user name for the operation. (Default: smilab). -p, --password TEXT Optional password for the operation. (Default; F00sb4ll). -t, --timeout INTEGER Namespace for the operation. (Default: 10). --no-ping BOOLEAN Disable network ping ofthe wbem server before executing the cim request. (Default: True). -d--debug BOOLEAN Set the debug parameter for the pywbem call. Displays detailed information on the call and response. (Default: False). -c--verify_cert BOOLEAN Request that the client verify the server cert. (Default: False). --certfile TEXT Client certificate file for authenticating with the WBEM server. If option specified the client attempts to execute mutual authentication. Default: Simple authentication). --keyfile TEXT Client private key file for authenticating with the WBEM server. Not required if private key is part of the certfile option. Not allowed if no certfile option. Default: No client key file. Client private key should then be part of the certfile). -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli cimping id --help`: smicli cimping id --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli cimping id --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli cimping id [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Cimping one target from database. Executes a simple ping against one target wbem servers in the target database and returns exit code in accord with response. Exits interactive mode and returns exit code corresponding to test result. This test sets a cmd line exit code corresponding to the status of a given target WBEM Server. This subcommand will interactively let user select the TargetID or use the wildcard "?" to request a selection list of target ids. ex. smicli cimping 5 smicli cimping ? Options: -t, --timeout INTEGER Timeout in sec for the pywbem operations to test the server. (Default: 10). --no-ping If set this option disables network level ping of the wbem server before executing the cim request. Since executing the ping does not cause significant time delay and helps define servers that are not respondingat all, normally it should not be set. The ping uses available ping program to execute the ping. -d, --debug If set this options sets the debug parameter for the pywbem call. Displays detailed information on the call and response. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli cimping ids --help`: smicli cimping ids --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli cimping ids --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli cimping ids [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetIDs Cim ping a list of targets from database. Execute simple cim ping against the list of target ids provided for target servers in the database defined by each id in the list of ids creates a table showing result. The ids can be entered as arguments or by entering the wild card "?" as the command argument which will produce a selection list of all target ids on the console from which the user can select one or more target ids. ex. smicli cimping ids 5 8 9 smicli cimping ids ? Options: -t, --timeout INTEGER Timeout in sec for the pywbem operations to test the server. (Default: 10). --no-ping If set this option disables network level ping of the wbem server before executing the cim request. Since executing the ping does not cause significant time delay and helps define servers that are not respondingat all, normally it should not be set. The ping uses available ping program to execute the ping. -d, --debug If set this options sets the debug parameter for the pywbem call. Displays detailed information on the call and response. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli companies --help`: smicli companies --help ----------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli companies --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli companies [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group for Companies table. Includes commands to view and modify the Companies table in the database. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: add Add a new company to the the company table. delete Delete a company from the database. list List companies in the database. modify Modify company data in database. .. _`smicli companies add --help`: smicli companies add --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli companies add --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli companies add [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Add a new company to the the company table. Creates a new company with the defined company name. Options: -c, --companyname TEXT Company name for company to add to table. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli companies delete --help`: smicli companies delete --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli companies delete --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli companies delete [COMMAND-OPTIONS] CompanyID Delete a company from the database. Delete the company defined by the command argument from the database. The command argument may be either a specific company ID or "?" to generate a selection list on the console. smicli companies delete ? # does select list to select company to delete from companies table Options: -n, --no-verify Verify the deletion before deleting the user. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli companies list --help`: smicli companies list --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli companies list --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli companies list [COMMAND-OPTIONS] List companies in the database. List the parameters of companies in the company table of the database. Options: -o, --order Sort output by company name -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli companies modify --help`: smicli companies modify --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli companies modify --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli companies modify [COMMAND-OPTIONS] CompanyID Modify company data in database. Modifies the company name in the company table of the database. The required CompanyID argument can be found by the "company list" command or by using "?" as the argument which generates a selection list on the console. ex. smicli companies modify 13 -c "NewCompany Name" smicli companies modify ? -c " NewCompanyName" Options: -c, --companyname TEXT New company name. [required] -n, --no-verify Disable verification prompt before the modify is executed. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli explorer --help`: smicli explorer --help ---------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli explorer --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli explorer [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group to explore providers. This group of commands provides the tools for general explore of all providers defined in the database. The explore queries the providers and generates information on their state and status including if active, namespaces, profiles, etc. It also normally generates a log of all activity. This information is generated by accessing the provider itself. These subcommands automatically validates selected data from the server against the database and creates an audit log entry for any changes. The fields currently tested are: * SMIVersion Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: all Explore all targets in database. ids Explore a list of target IDs. .. _`smicli explorer all --help`: smicli explorer all --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli explorer all --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli explorer all [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Explore all targets in database. Execute the general explore operation on some or all the providers in the database and generate a report on the results. This command explores the general characteristics of the server including: * Company - From the targets database * Product = From the targets database * SMI Profiles - As defined by the server itself * Interop Namespace - Ad defined by the server * Status - General status (i.e. CIMPing status) * Time - Time to execute the tests General Server information It executes the server requests in parallel mode (multi-threaded) or by setting a command line options single thread (if for some reason there is an issue with the multithreading) It generates a report to the the defined output as a table with the formatting defined by the global format option. Default is thread the requests speeding up the explore significantly. There is an option to ping the server before executing the explore simply to speed up the process for servers that are completely not available. The default is to ping as the first step. ex: smicli explore all Options: --ping / --no-ping Ping the the provider as initial step in test. Default: ping --thread / --no-thread Run test multithreaded. Much faster. This option is onlyhere to aid debugging if issues occur with multithread.Default: thread -i, --include-disabled Include hosts marked disabled in the targets table. -d, --detail [full|brief|all] Generate full or brief (fewer columns) report. Full report includes namespaces, SMI_profiles, etc. (Default: full). -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli explorer ids --help`: smicli explorer ids --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli explorer ids --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli explorer ids [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetIDs Explore a list of target IDs. Execute the explorer on the providers defined by id. Multiple ids may be supplied (ex. id 5 6 7) ex: smicli explorer ids 6 7 8 smicli explorer ids ? Options: --ping / --no-ping Ping the the provider as initial step in test. Default: ping --thread / --no-thread Run test multithreaded. Much faster. Default: thread -d, --detail [full|brief|all] Generate all or brief (fewer columns) report(Default: full). -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli help --help`: smicli help --help ------------------ The following defines the help output for the `smicli help --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli help [OPTIONS] Show help message for interactive mode. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli history --help`: smicli history --help --------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli history --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli history [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group manages history(pings) table. The history command group processes the database pings table. The pings table maintains entries with the results of the ``cimping all -s`` subcommand. Each history entry contains the target id, the timestamp for the test, and the results of the test. It includes commands to clean the pings table and also to create various reports and tables of the history of tests on the WBEM servers in the targets table that are stored in the Pings table. Because the pings table can be very large, there are subcommands to clean entries out of the table based on program id, dates, etc. Rather than a simple list subcommand this subcommand includes a number of reports to view the table for: - changes to status for particular targets. - Consolidated history over time periods - Snapshots of the full set of entries over periods of time. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: delete Delete records from pings table. list Display history of pings in database. overview Display overview of pingstable in database. timeline Show history of status changes for IDs. weekly Generate weekly report from ping history. .. _`smicli history delete --help`: smicli history delete --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli history delete --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli history delete [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Delete records from pings table. Delete records from the history(pings) database based on start date and end date options and the optional list of targetids provided. ex. smicli history delete --startdate 09/09/17 --endate 09/10/17 Because this could accidently delete all history records, this command requires that the user provide both the start date and either the enddate or number of days. It makes no assumptions about dates. It also requires verification before deleting any records. Options: -s, --startdate DATE Start date for pings to be deleted. Format is dd/mm/yy [required] -e, --enddate DATE End date for pings to be deleted. Format is dd/mm/yy -n, --numberofdays INTEGER Alternative to enddate. Number of days to report from startdate. "enddate" ignored if "numberofdays" set -t, --TargetID INTEGER Optional targetID. If included, delete ping records only for the defined targetID and defined time period. Otherwise all ping records in the defined time period are deleted. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli history list --help`: smicli history list --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli history list --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli history list [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Display history of pings in database. It outputs a table data from the database pings table which may be filtered by targets and dates. The listing may be filtered a date range with the --startdate, --enddate, and --numberofdays options. It may also be filtered to only show a selected target WBEM server from the targets table with the `--targetid` option The output of this subcommand is determined by the `--result` option which provides for: * `full` - all records defined by the input parameters. * `status` - listing records by status (i.e. OK, etc.) and count of records for that status. * `%ok` - listing the percentage of records that have 'OK' status and the total number of ping records. * `count` - count of records within the defined date/time range. ex. smicli history list --startdate 09/09/17 --enddate 09/10/17 smicli history list --startdate 09/09/17 --numberofdays 9 -t 88 -t 91 smicli history list --startdate 09/09/17 --numberofdays 9 - * # list pings for 9 days starting 9 sept 17 for targets # selected by user (-t *) Options: -t, --targetIds TEXT Get results only for the defined targetIDs. If the value is "?" a select list is provided to the console to select the WBEM server targetids from the targets table. -s, --startdate DATE Start date for ping records included. Format is dd/mm/yy where dd and mm are zero padded (ex. 01) and year is without century (ex. 17). Default:oldest record -e, --enddate DATE End date for ping records included. Format is dd/mm/yy where dd and dm are zero padded (ex. 01) and year is without century (ex. 17). Default:current datetime -n, --numberofdays INTEGER Alternative to enddate. Number of days to report from startdate. "enddate" ignored if "numberofdays" set -r [full|changes|status|%ok|count] Display history records or status info on records. "full" displays all records, "changes" displays records that change status, "status"(default) displays status summary by target. "%ok" reports percentage pings OK by Id and total count. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli history overview --help`: smicli history overview --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli history overview --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli history overview [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Display overview of pingstable in database. This subcommand only shows the count of records and the oldest and newest record in the pings database, and the number of pings by program. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli history timeline --help`: smicli history timeline --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli history timeline --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli history timeline [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Show history of status changes for IDs. Generates a report for the defined target IDs and the time period defined by the options of the historical status of the defined target ID showing just the status changes. Each line in the report is a status change. Options: -t, --targetIds TEXT Get results only for the defined targetIDs. If the value is "?" a select list is provided to the console to select the WBEM server targetids from the targets table. -s, --startdate DATE Start date for ping records included. Format is dd/mm/yy where dd and mm are zero padded (ex. 01) and year is without century (ex. 17). Default:oldest record -e, --enddate DATE End date for ping records included. Format is dd/mm/yy where dd and dm are zero padded (ex. 01) and year is without century (ex. 17). Default:current datetime -n, --numberofdays INTEGER Alternative to enddate. Number of days to report from startdate. "enddate" ignored if "numberofdays" set -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli history weekly --help`: smicli history weekly --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli history weekly --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli history weekly [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Generate weekly report from ping history. Generates the report normally emailed for the smi lab status. This subcommand generates a report on the status of each target id in the targets table filtered by the --date parameter. It generates a summary of the status for the current day, for the previous week and for the total program. The --date is optional. Normally the report is generated for the week ending at the time the report is generated but the --date pararameter allows the report to be generated for previous dates. This report includes percentage OK for each target for today, this week, and the program and overall information on the target (company, product, SMIversion, contacts.) The error codes are documented in the online documentation. Options: -d, --date DATE Optional date to be used as basis for report in form dd/mm/yy. Default is today. This option allows reports to be generated for previous periods. -o, --order TEXT Sort order of the columns for the report output. This can be any of the column headers (case independent). Default: Company -d, --disabled Show disabled targets. Otherwise only targets that are set Enabled in the database are shown.(Default:Do not show disabled targets). -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli notifications --help`: smicli notifications --help --------------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli notifications --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli notifications [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group for notifications table. Includes commands to list and modify the Companies table in the database. This is largely an inernal table that keeps track of notifications make There is nothing to be done except to list notifications made and to clean up the table. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: delete Delete records from notifications file. list List Notifications in the database. stats Get stats on pings in database. .. _`smicli notifications delete --help`: smicli notifications delete --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli notifications delete --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli notifications delete [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Delete records from notifications file. Delete records from the notifications file based on start date and end date options and the optional list of target ids provided. ex. smicli notifications delete --startdate 09/09/17 --endate 09/10/17 Because this could accidently delete all history records, this command specifically requires that the user provide both the start date and either the enddate or number of days. It makes no assumptions about dates. It also requires verification before deleting any records. Options: -s, --startdate DATE Start date for pings to be deleted. Format is dd/mm/yy [required] -e, --enddate DATE End date for pings to be deleted. Format is dd/mm/yy [required] -n, --numberofdays INTEGER Alternative to enddate. Number of days to report from startdate. "enddate" ignored if "numberofdays" set -t, --TargetID INTEGER Optional targetID. If included, delete ping records only for the defined targetID. Otherwise all ping records in the defined time period are deleted. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli notifications list --help`: smicli notifications list --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli notifications list --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli notifications list [COMMAND-OPTIONS] List Notifications in the database. List notifications for a date range and optionally a company or user. Options: -i, --targetIDs INTEGER Optional list of ids. If not supplied, all ids are used. -s, --startdate DATE Start date for ping records included. Format is dd/mm/yy where dd and mm are zero padded (ex. 01) and year is without century (ex. 17). Default is oldest record -e, --enddate DATE End date for ping records included. Format is dd/mm/yy where dd and dm are zero padded (ex. 01) and year is without century (ex. 17). Default is current datetime -n, --numberofdays INTEGER Alternative to enddate. Number of days to report from startdate. "enddate" ignored if "numberofdays" set -u, --UserId INTEGER Get results only for the defined userID -S--summary If set only a summary is generated. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli notifications stats --help`: smicli notifications stats --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli notifications stats --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli notifications stats [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Get stats on pings in database. This subcommand only shows the count of records and the oldest and newest record in the pings database TODO we need to grow this output to more statistical information Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli programs --help`: smicli programs --help ---------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli programs --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli programs [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group to handle programs table. The programs table defines programs in terms of start and end dates so that other commands can use specific programs to manage their tables. Normally a program is one year long and includes it start date, end date, and a program name. There are subcommands to create,modify, delete program entries and a list command that shows all entries in the table. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: add Add new program to the database. current Get info on current program. delete Delete a program from the database. list List programs in the database. .. _`smicli programs add --help`: smicli programs add --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli programs add --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli programs add [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Add new program to the database. Options: -s, --startdate DATE Start date for program. Format is dd/mm/yy where dd and mm are zero padded (ex. 01) and year is without century (ex. 17). This option is optional and if not supplied the day after the end of the latest program will be selected. -e, --enddate DATE End date for program. Format is dd/mm/yy where dd and mm are zero padded (ex. 01) and year is without century (ex. 17). This field is optional and if not defined on the command line 12 montsh - 1 day after the start date will be used as the end date. -p, --programname TEXT Descriptive name for program [required] -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli programs current --help`: smicli programs current --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli programs current --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli programs current [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Get info on current program. Search database for current program and display info on this program Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli programs delete --help`: smicli programs delete --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli programs delete --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli programs delete [COMMAND-OPTIONS] ProgramID Delete a program from the database. Delete the program defined by the command argument from the database. The ProgramID is the database id field that is displayed with the "programs list" command. The programId to delete can be input directly, or selected from a list of programs by entering the character "?" generates a selection list. Example: smicli programs delete ? Options: -n, --no-verify Do not verify the deletion before deleting the program. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli programs list --help`: smicli programs list --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli programs list --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli programs list [COMMAND-OPTIONS] List programs in the database. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli provider --help`: smicli provider --help ---------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli provider --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli provider [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group for provider operations. This group of commands provides commands to query the providers defined by entries in the targets database. This includes subcommands like ping, get basic info, get namespace info, get profile information. for individual providers. It differs from the explore group in that it provides tools to process individual providers in the database rather than try to explore the entire set of providers. It also allows many more operations against the individual provider. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: classes Find all classes that match CLASSNAME. info Display general info for the provider. interop Display interop namespace for the provider. namespaces Display public namespaces for the provider. ping Ping the provider defined by targetid. profiles Display registered profiles for provider. .. _`smicli provider classes --help`: smicli provider classes --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli provider classes --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli provider classes [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Find all classes that match CLASSNAME. Find all class names in the namespace(s) of the defined proovider(WBEMServer) that match the CLASSNAME regular expression argument. The CLASSNAME argument may be either a complete classname or a regular expression that can be matched to one or more classnames. To limit the filter to a single classname, terminate the classname with $. The TargetID defines a single provider (See targets table). It may be picked from a list by entering "?". The regular expression is anchored to the beginning of CLASSNAME and is case insensitive. Thus pywbem_ returns all classes that begin with PyWBEM_, pywbem_, etc. TODO: Add option to limit to single namespace Options: -c, --classname CLASSNAME regex Regex that filters the classnames to return only those that match the regex. This is a case insensitive, anchored regex. Thus, "CIM_" returns all classnames that start with "CIM_". To return an exact classname append "$" to the classname -s, --summary Return only the count of classes in the namespace(s) -n, --namespace Namespace to use for this operation. If not defined all namespaces are used -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli provider info --help`: smicli provider info --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli provider info --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli provider info [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Display general info for the provider. The TargetID defines a single provider (See targets table). It may be picked from a list or by entering "?". The company options allows searching by company name in the provider base. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli provider interop --help`: smicli provider interop --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli provider interop --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli provider interop [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Display interop namespace for the provider. The TargetID defines a single provider (See targets table). It may be picked from a list by entering "?". The company options allows searching by company name in the provider base. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli provider namespaces --help`: smicli provider namespaces --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli provider namespaces --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli provider namespaces [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Display public namespaces for the provider. The TargetID for the provider can be entered directly or by using the interactive feature (entering "?" for the targetid to pick the TargetID from a list. ex. smicli provider namespaces ? Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli provider ping --help`: smicli provider ping --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli provider ping --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli provider ping [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Ping the provider defined by targetid. The TargetID defines a single provider (See targets table). It may be entered as an argument or picked from a list by entering "?" as the TargetID argument. The company options allows searching by company name in the provider base. Options: --timeout INTEGER Timeout for the ping in seconds. (Default 2). -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli provider profiles --help`: smicli provider profiles --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli provider profiles --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli provider profiles [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Display registered profiles for provider. The TargetID defines a single provider (See targets table). It may be picked from a list by entering "?". The other options allow the selection of a subset of the profiles from the server by organization name, profile name, or profile version. ex. smicli provider profiles 4 -o SNIA Options: -o, --organization TEXT Optionally specify organization for the profiles -n, --name TEXT Optionally specify name for the profiles -v, --version TEXT Optionally specify versionfor the profiles -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli repl --help`: smicli repl --help ------------------ The following defines the help output for the `smicli repl --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli repl [OPTIONS] Enter interactive (REPL) mode (default). This subcommand enters the interactive mode where subcommands can be executed without exiting the progarm and loads any existing command history file. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli sweep --help`: smicli sweep --help ------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli sweep --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli sweep [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group to sweep for servers. Sweeping for servers involves pinging in one form or another possible ip/port combinations to find open ports. This group sweeps servers in a defined range looking for open WBEMServers. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: nets Execute sweep on the ip/port combinations defined by the --subnet... .. _`smicli sweep nets --help`: smicli sweep nets --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli sweep nets --help` subcommand :: sweep_group Usage: smicli sweep nets [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Execute sweep on the ip/port combinations defined by the --subnet and --port options Options: -s, --subnet TEXT IP subnets to scan (ex. 10.1.132). One subnet per option Each subnet string is itself a definition that consists of period separated octets that are used to create the individual ip addresses to be tested: * Integers: Each integer is in the range 0-255 ex. * Octet range definition: A range expansion is in the form: int-int which defines the mininum and maximum values for that octet (ex 10.1.132-134) or * Integer lists: A range list is in the form: int,int,int and defines the set of values for that octet. Missing octet definitions are expanded to the value range defined by the min and max octet value parameters All octets of the ip address can use any of the 3 definitions. Examples: 10.1.132,134 expands to addresses in 10.1.132 and 10.1.134. where the last octet is the range 1 to 254 [required] -p, --port INTEGER RANGE Port(s) to test. This argument may be define multiple ports. Ex. -p 5988 -p 5989. Default=5989 -t, --scantype [tcp|syn|all] Set scan type: %s. Some scan types require privilege mode. (Default: tcp.) -m INTEGER RANGE Minimum expanded value for any octet that is not specifically included in a net definition. Default = 1 -M INTEGER RANGE Maximum expanded value for any octet that is not specifically included in a net definition. Default = 254 -D, --dryrun Display list of systems/ports to be scanned but do not scan. This is a diagnostic tool (Default: False.) --no_threads Disable multithread scan. This should only be used if there are issues with the multithread scan. It is MUCH slower. (Default: False.) -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli targets --help`: smicli targets --help --------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group for managing targets data. This command group enables operations for viewing and management of data on the target providers as defined in a database. The targets database defines the providers to be pinged, tested, etc. including all information to access the provider and links to other data such as company, etc. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: delete Delete a target record from the targets table. disable Disable a provider from scanning. fields Display field names in targets database. get Display details of single database target. info Show target database config information list Display the entries in the targets database. modify Modify fields in a target database record. new Add a new target data base record. .. _`smicli targets delete --help`: smicli targets delete --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets delete --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets delete [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Delete a target record from the targets table. The TargetID is a required argument and defines the database id for the target wbem server. This argument may be entered as a single integer or by entering the character "?" for Target ID to select the target from a list presented. The new target is permanently deleted from the target table in the database. Options: -n, --no-verify Disable verification prompt before the delete is executed. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli targets disable --help`: smicli targets disable --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets disable --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets disable [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Disable a provider from scanning. This changes the database. The TargetID is a required argument and defines the database id for the target wbem server. This argument may be entered as a single integer or by entering the character "?" for Target ID to select the target from a list presented. Options: -e, --enable Enable the Target if it is disabled. -N, --no_verify Disable verification prompt before the change is executed. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli targets fields --help`: smicli targets fields --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets fields --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets fields [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Display field names in targets database. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli targets get --help`: smicli targets get --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets get --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets get [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Display details of single database target. The TargetID is a required argument and defines the database id for the target wbem server. This argument may be entered as a single integer or by entering the character "?" for Target ID to select the target from a list presented. ex. smicli target get ? Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli targets info --help`: smicli targets info --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets info --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets info [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Show target database config information Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli targets list --help`: smicli targets list --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets list --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets list [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Display the entries in the targets database. Options: -f, --fields FIELDNAME Define specific fields for output. TargetID always included. Multiple fields can be specified by repeating the option. (Default: predefined list of fields). Enter: "-f ?" to interactively select fields for display. Ex. "-f TargetID -f CompanyName" -d, --disabled Show disabled targets. Otherwise only targets that are set enabled in the database are shown.(Default:Do not show disabled targets). -o, --order FIELDNAME Sort by the defined field name. Names are viewed with the targets fields subcommand or "-o ?" to interactively select field for sort -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli targets modify --help`: smicli targets modify --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets modify --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets modify [COMMAND-OPTIONS] TargetID Modify fields in a target database record. This subcommand changes the database permanently. It allows the user to verify all changes before they are committed to the database. All changes to the database are recorded in the audit log including both the original and new values. Values to be changed are defined by command line options. The TargetID is a required argument and defines the database id for the target wbem server. This argument may be entered as a single integer or by entering the character "?" for Target ID to select the target from a list presented. Not all fields are defined for modification. Today the fields of SMIVersion, CimomVersion, NotifyUsers and Notify cannot be modified with this subcommand. Example: smicli targets modify ? --ipaddress --port 5988 --protocol https Options: -a, --all If set, presents each field with a prompt and requests input. Hit enter to bypass or enter new value for each field. --ipaddress TEXT Modify the IP address if this option is included. --protocol [http|https] Modify the protocol string if this option is included. --port TEXT Modify the port field. This should be consistent with the protocol field. Normally port 5988 is http protocol and 5989 is https --principal TEXT Modify the Principal field. --credential TEXT Modify the Credential field. --smiversion TEXT Modify the the smiversion field. --product TEXT Modify the the Product field. --interopnamespace TEXT Modify the InteropNamespace field with a new interop namespace. --namespace TEXT Modify the namespace field with a new namespace. --cimonversion TEXT Modify the cimomversion field with a new namespace. --companyid TEXT Modify the companyID field with the correct ID from the Company Table. Entering "?" into this field enables the interactive display of companies for selection of the company id --scanenabled [Enabled|Disabled] Modify the ScanEnabled field if this option is included. --notifyusers [Enabled|Disabled] Modify the ScanEnabled field if this option is included. -N, --no_verify Disable verification prompt before the change is executed. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli targets new --help`: smicli targets new --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli targets new --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli targets new [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Add a new target data base record. This allows the user to define all of the fields in a target to add a new target to the table. The syntax of the fields is generally validated but please be careful since the validation is primitive. The new target is permanently added to the target table Options: --template TEXT Target record to use as input data for new target. [required] -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli users --help`: smicli users --help ------------------- The following defines the help output for the `smicli users --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli users [COMMAND-OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Command group to handle users table. Includes subcommands to list entries in the database users table and to create, modify, delete specific entries. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: activate Activate or deactivate multiple users. add Add a new user in the user table. delete Delete a user from the database. fields Display field names in users database. list List users in the database users table. modify Modify fields of a user in the user database. .. _`smicli users activate --help`: smicli users activate --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli users activate --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli users activate [COMMAND-OPTIONS] UserIDs Activate or deactivate multiple users. This sets the users defined by the userids argument to either active or inactive. When a user is inactive they are no longer shown in tables that involve user information such as the weekly report. The users to be activated or deactivated may be specified by a) specific user ids, b) the interactive mode option, or c) using '?' as the user id argument which also initiates the interactive mode options. Each user selected activated separately and users already in the target state are bypassed. If the --no-verify option is not set each user to be changed causes a verification request before the change. Examples: smicli users activate ? --inactive # list all users for select and # deactivate the selected users smicli user activate ? --active -c ? # first creates selection list # to select company. Then # creates select list for that # company and activates the # selected users. Options: --active / --inactive Set the active/inactive state in the database for this user. Default is to attempt set user to inactive. -n, --no-verify Disable verification prompt before the operation is executed. -c, --companyid COMPANYID Limit the list of users from which to select by the companyid provided -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli users add --help`: smicli users add --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli users add --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli users add [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Add a new user in the user table. Creates a new user with the defined parameters for the company defined by the required parameter companyID. Verification that the operation is correct is requested before the change is executed unless the `--no-verify' parameter is set. Examples: smicli users add -f John -l Malia -e jm@blah.com -c ? Defines a new user with name and email defined after using select list to get companyID of the user. A prompt for verification is presented before the database is changed. Options: -f, --firstname TEXT User first name. [required] -l, --lastname TEXT User last name [required] -e, --email TEXT User email address. [required] -c, --companyID TEXT CompanyID for the company attached to this user. Enter ? to use selection list to get company id [required] --inactive Set the active/inactive state in the database for this user. An inactive user is ignored. Default is active --disable Disable notifications in the database for this user. Default is enabled -N, --no_verify Disable verification prompt before the change is executed. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli users delete --help`: smicli users delete --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli users delete --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli users delete [COMMAND-OPTIONS] UserID Delete a user from the database. Delete the user defined by the subcommand argument from the database. The user to be deleted may be specified by a) specific user id, b) using '?' as the user id argument which also initiates the interactive mode options Examples: smicli delete 85 smicli delete ? Options: -n, --no-verify Disable verification prompt before the delete is executed. -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli users fields --help`: smicli users fields --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli users fields --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli users fields [COMMAND-OPTIONS] Display field names in users database. Example: smicli users list fields Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli users list --help`: smicli users list --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli users list --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli users list [COMMAND-OPTIONS] List users in the database users table. Lists the information on users in the users table in a table format, one user per row. Options allow selecting specific fields of the table (the fields in the table can be viewed with the fields subcommand) and ordering the ouput with a field name. Unless the --disabled option is set, only active users are shown in the output. The --companyid option allows selecting only users for a particular company for the list. The default field list is: UserID, FirstName, Lastname, Email, CompanyName, Active, Notify Examples: smicli users list # default list of all users smicli users list -c ? # Presents a list of companies for user to # select a company and then lists users for # that company smicli users list -f Email -o Email # list with UserId and Email fields # in output table. Options: -f, --fields FIELDNAME Define specific fields for output. UserID always included. Multiple fields can be specified by repeating the option. (Default: predefined list of fields). Enter: "-f ?" to interactively select fields for display. Ex. "-f UserID -f CompanyName" -d, --disabled Include disabled users. Otherwise only users that are set enabled in the database are shown.(Default:Do not show disabled users). -o, --order FIELDNAME Sort by the defined field name. Names are viewed with the targets fields subcommand or "-o ?" to interactively select field for sort -c, --companyid COMPANYID Filter the list to just users with the defined companyID. This field may be selected interactively by entering "?". -h, --help Show this message and exit. .. _`smicli users modify --help`: smicli users modify --help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following defines the help output for the `smicli users modify --help` subcommand :: Usage: smicli users modify [COMMAND-OPTIONS] UserID Modify fields of a user in the user database. This allows modifications of the fields for a particular specified by the user id on input. The user to be modified may be specified by a) specific user id, b) the interactive mode option, or c) using '?' as the user id argument which also initiates the interactive mode options ex. smicli users modify 9 -n fred # changes the first name of the user with user id 9. Options: -f, --firstname TEXT User first name. -l, --lastname TEXT User last name -e, --email TEXT User email address. -c, --CompanyID INTEGER CompanyID for the company attached to this user --no_notifications Disable the notify state in the database for this user if this flag set. -n, --no-verify Disable verification prompt before the change is executed. -h, --help Show this message and exit.