10. Tools

10.1. Overview

The basic functionality for smipyping is contained in the single smicli executable. However, we have included a number of other tools to help with specific tasks.

10.2. Email tool

The tools directory contains a separate Python tool to send email (pysendmail) which acts similar to the system sendmail in that it can be used to send email to outside SMTP servers. This is a command line tool and the usage documentation can be viewed by executing pysendmail -h.

By using this tool, avoids the effort to activate tools like sendmail for the environment containing smipyping.

Generally it allows the user to send mail to external SMTP servers that contain messages base on text or html files. It is used by smipyping to send reports for activities like the weekly report, etc. that are driven by schedulers like crontab.

The input parameters include:

  1. The to address
  2. The From Addresses
  3. The Subject Line
  4. Optional CC addresses
  5. The file containing the text or html content.

6. The name of the email configuration file. The default is ‘email.ini’ in the execution directory.

A separate config file must be defined to use this tool to define the characteristics of the SMTP server to be used. This allows defining the SMTP server, user, passwords, without having this information committed to the smipping source code.

The configuration file is a standard ini format that contains name/value pairs for the required fields. The following is an example of this file:

# Configuration file for pysendmail tool of smipyping.  This keeps all of
# issues concerning email security out of the software release.  This file
# should NOT be part of the collection in github to avoid making the
# password public.
#  A default email user name that is used if the from address is not
#  provided on the command line. This line is optional.
DefaultFromAddress=<single from address>
# email user account name. This line is required.
user=<The email user name>
# email user account password. This line is required.
# email server NOTE: For the moment, pysendmail assumes that tls is enabled
# for the server.  This line is optional.  The default is
# `smtp.gmail.com:587`.

This tool has been tested specifically with gmail as the SMTP server and using tls.

To set it up for gmail with an installed smipyping:

  1. Get a gmail account so that the user name and password are available.

  2. Set up the email.ini configuration file.

  3. Test by entering the following:

    pysendmail -t <to email> -f <from email> -s “subject test” -F <file to sent> -v

This will try to create the email and send it. the -v option will show the interaction between pysendmail and the SMTP server.

10.3. Database tools

We are providing a number of command line tools to support viewing, dumping and installing the database.